Name: Justin Heymans

Start Date: April 23rd, 2012

Born: Ottawa, Canada – March 1st, 1990

Current Neighborhood:The Annex

Position: Mover


What do you do when you are not working at Rent-a-Son?:  I am a student at York University studying visual arts.  I have a passion for photography and I display my work at Gales Gallery.

Why do you like working at Rent-a-Son?:  There is a great variety of work at Rent-a-Son.  I get to meet nice people each day and work with a great bunch of guys. I like the physical aspect of working at Rent-a-Son and really enjoy being able to help people move and settle into their new homes.

Who is your favorite artist?:  Alex Fischer

Do you play any musical instruments?:  I play guitar…I mostly like to play folk and blues music with friends and by myself.

What is the most difficult thing you have moved at Rent-a-Son?:  One time we had to move a 16 foot table made of railroad ties.  There were four of us on the job.  We had to wrap it and use hump straps and go through the house, out the backyard and into a PODS container.

What is your favorite job to do at Rent-a-Son?:  I think I like residential moves the best.  I love being able to work through a day and a residential move provides me with that opportunity.  There is always a crew and I enjoy being out there with my co-workers.

What is your past experience doing physically demanding jobs?:  I worked on a farm for 7 years working with tractors and doing field work and milking cows.  It really helped me develop a strong work ethic and appreciate the demands of doing manual labour.

My dream job is?:  I would love to be a graphic designer for an advertising firm one day.

The one word I would use to describe my experience at Rent-a-Son is?:  Fulfilling