It is that time of the year again where students make there annual migration to universities all across Canada.  Some first year students are lucky enough to be living in a dormitory and don’t have to worry much about movers but others, who choose to live off campus in private housing, have to find a way to move their belongings up before school begins.

Because a lot of people leave Toronto to attend schools in places like London, Ontario, Ottawa and Montreal , moving can become quite costly.  Here are some pieces of advice for moving this fall to your school:

  1. Consolidate your move!  This is the greatest way to save on your moving services.  If you are moving in Canada to a school, call anyone you know that is moving to the same school and book your move together.  Direct and dedicated moving services to destinations around Canada can cost you an arm and a leg!  Work with moving companies to fill their trucks with multiple shipments and you are guaranteed to save.
  2. Rent a Truck.  This option is obvious but what you don’t know is that renting a truck doesn’t always save you money.  Movers tend to become fixated on the “daily rate” and ignore the other costs that come with renting trucks like fuel, insurance and mileage.  Not to mention the time associated with picking up and dropping off the truck.
  3. Buy Local.  Flat packed or ready to assemble furniture can be purchased locally for the same cost or less of your move.  If your move costs $800 and you are only moving 10 pieces, you have to ask yourself if your bookshelf is worth $160 ($80 x 2 moves).  While I don’t love ready to assemble products, they do serve a purpose at school.

University and College is an exciting time.  Make your plan to move as early as you can because a goal without a plan is just a wish.  Good luck at school this year and Happy Moving!